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Registration Process & FAQs

Before registering, please review the following steps:

1. Verify you live or attend an elementary or middle school in the South Highline National Little League boundary

2. Find your Little League Age and review our Programs/Divisions: Baseball, Softball and Challenger

3. Have birth certificate and Proof of Residency form ready for upload during registration process.

Registration FAQs: 


Please review the most common question topics we receive below.  If you have additional questions, please email [email protected]

·         System: We use the 3rd party SportsConnect platform to manage our League, including Registration, Secure Order Processing and Communications.  If you are new to SportsConnect, you will need to create a secure ID/password.  If you are returning, your ID/password from the prior season will apply.

·         Programs and Divisions:  The Programs and Divisions offered are driven by how many players sign-up and are as follows:

    • Baseball: Tee-Ball, Minors Coach (A) and Minors Player Pitch (AA,AAA), Majors and Juniors
    • Softball: Minors (A,AA,AAA), Majors and Juniors
    • Challenger (all ages)


** Note: if there are not enough players for any particular Program and Division, we work with the Family to find the right Program for them.  In most cases, we partner with another local league to accommodate those players.

·         What Division is right for my player?  Below are guidelines for the appropriate Division based on your player’s League Age


Birthday Between

Little League Age


September 1 2020--August 31 2021



September 1 2019--August 31 2020



September 1 2018--August 31 2019


Coach Pitch (Minors A)

September 1 2017--August 31 2018


Coach Pitch (Minors A)

September 1 2016--August 31 2017


Player Pitch (Minors AA)

September 1 2015--August 31 2016


Player Pitch (Minors AA,AAA)

September 1 2014--August 31 2015


Player Pitch (Minors AAA)

September 1 2013--August 31 2014



September 1 2012--August 31 2013



September 1 2011--August 31 2012



September 1 2010--August 31 2011




·         Understanding League Age. Can My Child Play Up?
We have set our divisions based on Little League Age.  In general, we recommend enrolling your player in the division that aligns with their league age. This way, your player will be in a division with friends and classmates.  Please remember, all divisions focus on building skills, deepening understanding of softball/baseball knowledge, and most importantly having fun.
If you feel strongly that your player’s skills and experience prepare them to play up to the next division, please let us know. If they are league age 7 and under, we will try to work with your request. If your player is league age 8 and older, we will note your request once they are registered and ask that your player attend our Player Evaluation for the division they want to play up to. At the Player Evaluation, our Board and coaches will assess your player’s skills and determine if there are any safety concerns. Shortly after the Player Evaluation, the coaches will determine if your player has approval to play up to the next division.

·         Player Evaluations: February 22-23, 2025.

·         Team/Friend Requests: For Tee-Ball and Coach Pitch (Minors A), please note your team and/or fried request in the registration form.  The Board and Coaches will do our very best to accommodate all requests.  For Player Pitch Divisions (AA,AAA and Majors), team assignments are completed by a draft of the coaches at the respective Division.  For competitive balance reasons, accommodation of team/friend requests in the these Divisions are less common.

·         Volunteers: Our league is 100% run by volunteers.  We highly encourage all Parents, Guardians, Grandparents and even older siblings to find time to volunteer as a Coach, Umpire, Scorekeep, Team Parent or to join the Board.  You can choose a volunteer role during the registration process or reach out via [email protected].

·         Cancellation Policy: The policy of our league is to issue refunds UP TO the point a player has participated in a practice or sanctioned game. Prior to playing in practice or sanctioned game, a refund of the registration fee will be issued.

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